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Town planning

This section is proposed to you by the Order of the land surveyors-experts

Le recours au géomètre-expert est-il obligatoire pour demander un certificat d'urbanisme ?

No. Every person can seek a planning certificate about any property. However, the answer is made in view of elements contained in the demand and the planning certificate can be removed, at any time, in case of inaccuracy of the elements of the demand. It is thus preferable to address to the land surveyor-expert who will know how to formulate the planning certificate, according to the met legal situations, what will then allow to benefit from the aforementioned certification.

Qui est responsable de la réponse à une demande de certificat d'urbanisme ?

In the municipalities endowed with a Zoning map, the planning certificate is freed by the Mayor, in the name of the Municipality. In other municipalities, it is the National Regulation of Town planning that applies and the planning certificate is freed by the Prefect, in the name of the State.

Peut-on créer un lotissement sur n'importe quelle propriété ?

No. Only the building zones can agree, if necessary, for a lot, under reserves of rules stemming from the Zoning map, if he(it) exists there, or for lack of the National Regulation of Town planning.

Peut-on créer un lotissement sur n'importe quelle propriété ?

Yes, this display is compulsory, both on the ground and in the City hall and it is the latest displays which fixes the point of departure of the deadline inside which it is possible to introduce a contentious appeal.

Le délai de deux mois pour instruire et délivrer un certificat d'urbanisme peut-il être dépassé ?

Yes. The normal deadline of instruction is of two months at least but this deadline may be increased by several months, according to capacities planned by the Planning laws.

Le délai de deux mois pour instruire et délivrer un certificat d'urbanisme peut-il être dépassé ?

As a rule not, but there are practically no penalties because there is no certitificat of tacit town planning. The not answer of the Mayor can be sanctioned by the Courts but it is about a very random procedure

Le délai de deux mois pour instruire et délivrer un certificat d'urbanisme peut-il être dépassé ?

Yes. The zoning of a Zoning map is not enough, to him only, for guaranteeing the constructibility of a ground. There are numerous rules which can oppose to this constructibility (density, access, setting-up, influence on the ground, etc.). Besides, rules above primary schools can also oppose to it (for example, those stemming from the Law Coast or of the Law Mountain).

Le délai de deux mois pour instruire et délivrer un certificat d'urbanisme peut-il être dépassé ?

The planning certificate is creative of rights and it thus protects vested interests during one year (possibly prorogeable for another year).

Le délai de deux mois pour instruire et délivrer un certificat d'urbanisme peut-il être dépassé ?

No. The Planning laws limit to four the number of building prizes created within the framework of an inheritance division.

Le délai de deux mois pour instruire et délivrer un certificat d'urbanisme peut-il être dépassé ?

Yes, under reserve that they are the direct consequence of the construction or the lot thrown, but only for the share of the spending attributable in the construction or in the lot.